Frequently asked questions
We can help answer your Lockton Affinity Advisor insurance questions. Click a topic below to see frequently asked questions and their answers.
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about our firm
Lockton Affinity Advisor offers specialized coverages for firms and professionals in the FI industry, such as RIAs and life agents, including:
- Errors & Omissions
- Cyber Liability
- Crime / Fidelity Bonds
- Directors & Officers
- ERISA Bonds Insurance
- Financial Institutions Bonds
- BOP with General Liability
- Employment Practices Liability
- Workers’ Compensation
Yes, we specialize in commercial insurance solutions for a wide variety of financial professionals, including:
- State & SEC Registered RIAs
- Private Funds
- Public Funds
- Hedge Funds
- Broker Dealers
- Hybrid RIA/BD
- Family Offices
- Accountants
- Recordkeepers
- Third Party Administrators
- Plan Sponsors and other financial institutions
Thanks to these world-class resources, we have the freedom to find a custom-fit solution for every client, whether with one of our proprietary solutions or with one of the many open market options we write for.
Yes. Our team has decades of experience working with clients in the FI industry.
We know that RIAs are largely on their own when it comes to shopping for and obtaining necessary coverages. We will work with your firm to find solutions that meet your compliance requirements, such as the recent changes in custodian insurance requirements.
Because some custodians have also cautioned that their requirements may not necessarily be enough coverage for every business to protect its assets, employees and clients, we will also look at your other exposures to help tailor coverage to your own individual needs.
The insurance policies available through us are underwritten by an insurance carrier with an “A” rating from A.M. Best, the global ratings agency for insurance industry. Lockton Affinity stands behind you to ensure you are getting the best policy for your needs.
Questions about
insurance for RIAs
Certain levels of coverage are required by governing regulations and industry requirements, but even this protection may fall short in some cases. RIAs need to ensure their E&O coverage is adequate because today’s society is unfortunately very litigious. Despite your relationships with clientele or how careful you are in your role, you simply never know when a dispute may escalate to a claim, so it pays to be covered.
This E&O policy contains a broad definition of Professional Services, including services and advice as a Financial Advisor, Financial Planner, Registered Investment Advisor, Registered Representative and Life Insurance Agent. Coverage is provided for services rendered for advice given to a client or customer by you for a fee, remuneration, or other consideration as it relates to a written agreement between you and your client. The policy extends coverage to services performed in the capacity of a fiduciary as it is defined by ERISA.
This policy excludes certain activities, including but not limited to: insider trading, foreign securities, performance guarantees, and alternative investments such as non-publicly traded REITS, uncovered options, private placements, derivatives, limited partnerships, and hedge funds not part of a mutual fund traded on a national exchange.
Cyber liability covers computer hacks and viruses, as well as loss and theft of devices that contain records and passwords and paper files that might be stolen, mishandled or disposed of improperly.
This exclusive policy provides broad coverage for both first-party breach response services and third-party privacy liability and information security liability exposures as well as associated costs arising from security and privacy breaches when handling sensitive and personally identifiable information of others in your business.
This policy excludes certain activities, including but not limited to: loss under a merchant services agreement for acceptance of credit card payments; loss arising from unprotected portable computers or electronic devices; unlawful collection of personal information or failure to provide method to withhold consent from the collection; or intentional breaches or violations of privacy law.
For example, our proprietary E&O policy for RIAs offers pre-claim assistance to cover expenses associated with the investigation and mitigation of a potential claim, up to $5,000. If a claim against you is pursued, you will be involved in selecting the counsel for your defense. Additional benefits include payment up to $50,000 in addition to your liability limit for attorney and related fees in response to a subpoena. And, you can expect reimbursement of legal fees and expenses resulting from a disciplinary proceeding, up to $50,000.
However, if you are insured solely through your Broker Dealer, your prior acts coverage could be limited.
Please note, if you are aware of circumstances that could result in a claim, these should be reported to your current insurer prior to binding new coverage with us.
Questions about
insurance for
life agents
Errors and Omissions insurance (E&O) covers certain legal fees, judgments and settlements that you may face as a result of claims and litigation brought against you based on the advice or services you provide.
Certain levels of coverage are required by governing regulations and industry requirements, but even this protection may fall short in some cases. Life agents need to ensure their E&O coverage is adequate because today’s society is unfortunately very litigious. Despite your relationships with clientele or how careful you are in your role, you simply never know when a dispute may escalate to a claim, so it pays to be covered.
Cyber liability provides coverage for businesses or individuals that have been tasked with providing online security for their clients. This online security includes providing their clients with protection from data breaches and cyberattacks. In the event of a cybersecurity breach that results in your client suing you, the cyber liability insurance will pay for your legal fees and expenses.
This policy covers you for third-party privacy liability and information security exposures as well as associated costs arising from security and privacy breaches when handling sensitive and personally identifiable information of others in your profession.
The policy excludes first-party breach response services and certain activities, including but not limited to: loss under a merchant services agreement for acceptance of credit card payments; loss arising from unprotected portable computers or electronic devices; unlawful collection of personal information or failure to provide method to withhold consent from the collection; or intentional breaches or violations of privacy law.
For example, our proprietary policy for life agents offers pre-claim assistance to cover expenses associated with the investigation and mitigation of a potential claim, at the underwriters’ sole discretion. If a claim against you is pursued, the underwriters reserve the right in selecting the counsel for your defense. Additional benefits include payment up to $10,000 in addition to the aggregate limit of liability for attorney and related fees in response to a subpoena. And, you can expect reimbursement of legal fees and expenses resulting from a disciplinary proceeding, up to $10,000.
However, if you are insured solely through your Broker Dealer, your prior acts coverage could be limited.
Please note, if you are aware of circumstances that could result in a claim, these should be reported to your current insurer prior to binding new coverage with us.
Questions about
your current policy
An individual policy limit means you do not share your policy or its limits with a group of other insureds. While insurance policies are sometimes offered with shared limits as a means of lowering the cost of coverage, such policies also carry greater exposure for policyholders, since there is a risk the annual group limit may be exhausted when you go to file a claim.
Because Lockton Affinity Advisor only offers individual limits, you don’t need to worry about that possibility, since you will always have access to your full policy limits.
Our exclusive RIA E&O and life agent E&O policies do not have a deductible.
However, cyber liability coverage included with our life agent E&O policy has a $2,500 deductible, and the endorsement for a Series 6 License has a $2,500 deductible.
For more information about deductibles for policies you have with us, be sure to consult your policy documents. If you still have questions about your coverage, contact us and we’ll be happy to help.
Claim reporting information will be provided to you when you get your policy. As always, we are here to assist you if you have questions.
To minimize the cost and stress of a claim, we assign a claims liaison to all clients that have a claim. Your claims liaison will assist you along the entire claim process, including making sure damages are paid in a timely manner.
For example, our exclusive cyber liability policy includes complimentary loss control and risk management information.
All relevant personnel within your organization will have access to Beazley Breach Solutions, a risk management portal that provides educational and loss control information relating to compliance with applicable laws, safeguarding information, preparing to respond to breach incidents and best practices.
If you become aware of a potential breach, follow the procedures outlined in your policy documents.
A single call or email to BBR Services, notifying the team of a suspected data breach, will begin activation of the following services:
- Computer Forensic Investigators
- Specialist Legal Services
- Notification Services
- Credit Monitoring
- Call Center Support
- Public Relation Consultants
Contact us
If you have any questions about the Lockton Affinity Advisor Insurance Program, please call one of our knowledgeable Associates today or fill out our contact form.
(844) 406-5958
Phones are answered Monday through Friday, 7 AM to 5:30 PM (CST).